Sunday, 1 November 2015

Inktober 2015

I decided to take part in this artistic challenge called Inktober. As far as I know, this is quiete a new event that's probably been around for two years. It takes place in October and the aim is to produce a drawing every day for 31 days using ink based tools. This is supposed to make you gain confidence using this wonderful but unforgiven tool. I'm a massive fan of he media, and I really enjoyed participating, even though I didn't achieve the one drawing a day goal. Theese are some highlights. There're few more on my instagram account.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Natural History Museum Sketches

Some sketches I did during a visit to my favourite museum in London, The Natural History Museum.

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Sketches, Sketches and even more sketches

As mentioned before, I've been quite busy working on my graduation film, meaning I could not spend much time drawing from myself.  In those little few breaks though, I've come to experiment a little bit more with mediums and styles, which is definitely something I loved doing. I picked up watercolours and I'm slowly learning how to use them.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Scavengers Linetests

Scavengers linetests from Eleonora Di Massimo on Vimeo.

I collected few line tests from my graduation film and decided to put them together. I can finally see some progress in the animation, where I put most of my energies this year. Also, I'm a fan of rough line tests, and in the case of my film, these lines make look the character a little bit more "alive".

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Scavengers- early concepts

These are some early concepts/ presentation storyboard frames from when I was still developing the film idea. When I came up with the final design for the foxes, I had this crazy idea of inking all the frame traditionally using ink and nib. When I came to realise that i could not make it in the time given, I  tried to re-create the bold lines digitally. Didn't work quite well, and it would have still slowed down the production, but I like how the lines work. Colour, on the other hand, has been an issue I didn't solve until the week before the hand in, after some precious suggestions from my main tutor.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Foxes, foxes and more foxes!

Because foxes was all I saw for quite a while this year.
I have been quite busy working on my graduation film lately and that's the main reason why I haven't updated this blog in a while.
Here's an early storyboard I did back in February.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Goodbye 2014

I'm going to say goodbye to the old year with the last drawings i produced in 2014.
I decided to experiment with a different style in the first picture, going for a sort of Sergio Toppi style, a famous Italian graphic novel artist/illustrator.
Also trying to make my sketches a little bit interesting by adding few background elements with Pentel brushes.